I’m Kirby Kelly.
Hey there, friends! My name is Kirby Kelly, and I’m a Christ-centered content creator and influencer. I run the Bought + Beloved podcast along with my YouTube channel, Instagram, and TikTok. I upload weekly content that inspires, encourages, and teaches people the Truth of the Bible and how to cultivate a relationship with Jesus. My passion is teaching God's truth everywhere I go; on stages and in front of cameras, through writing and one-on-one conversations. I desire to see this generation and culture flourish in freedom and confidence in their identity and to walk in the victory that has been won on the Cross. Link arms with me, and let’s press on together!
Who is Kirby?
27-year-old Kirby Kelly is a speaker, author, scholar, and Christian content creator based in Dallas, Texas. Kirby has recently had a name change from Minnick to Kelly since her marriage to Richard Kelly in 2020, and recently graduated with honors from Dallas Baptist University with a Master in Theology in the Spring of 2023. In May of 2019, she graduated Cum Laude from DBU with a BA in Communications and a minor in Biblical Studies. Since she was in high school, Kirby has been a steadfast believer, and began shaping the world through ministry on social media since she fully committed her life to Christ at age 14. Over time, Kirby has been able to accumulate a large following on her YouTube, Instagram, and Tiktok platforms as well as her podcast, Bought + Beloved, which launched February of 2019. Kirby also began public speaking and preaching nationally and internationally during the spring semester of her Junior year as an undergrad student at DBU. Not limited to just her faith, Kirby also enjoys speaking on subjects about self-worth, mental health, and social media strategy. With a powerful testimony including the passing of both parents due to addiction, battling depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, facing bullies, overcoming shame and habitual sin, and coming into full freedom and redeemed joy, Kirby has been able to impact the lives of many, primarily young women. She continues to lead others towards truth as they too recognize their identity as a chosen son and daughter of a loving Father, fully forgiven and fully free, challenging them to keep the faith as they run the race alongside her.